Even before children can express their thoughts and ideas in words, they can make art!
They show their delight in music when they dance and color to its rhythms and moods. They see how each child approaches the art opportunity in a unique, personal way. Through both child- and adult-initiated explorations, children learn art techniques through which they can express ideas and feelings. By seeing and touching cultural artifacts, children come to realize the beauty of human differences—and our many similarities. Art appeals to males and females, young and old. Through color, line, shape/form, and texture, people can convey a message about almost anything!
Through innovative methods, children develop creativity, attention, focus, speech, critical thinking, team spirit, memory and problem-solving ability.
In a continuous period, children are more relaxed, more confident and mature. But adults need to support and motivate a child to persist in solving tasks that become more difficult over time. The magic disappears the moment adults begin to correct and comment on children’s artwork. Enable the child to explore, combine, view from multiple angles the problem, and solve the problem in his or her own (creative) way.

Painting stimulates both sides of the brain. Statistics show that children who practice expression through art read better and receive better grades in science and math. Art develops hand-eye coordination and encourages perception. He or she also learns that there are more solutions to the problem, to think creatively in finding answers. Kids can share and think about their artwork and learn something about the world they live in. Art is all about understanding how the world works. As children make markings and then draw on paper, they understand how people use symbols to communicate and present ideas. When they build, they learn the principles of physics, such as balance, stability, and weight.
Sometimes a child refuses to play some kind of art – not because he is not interested but because he first encounters some art material. It is not necessary to force the child to participate because it will cause even more insecurity and fear. Allow them to freely watch and spontaneously join the game whenever they are ready.

The child’s abilities are much greater than we can imagine. So let’s create opportunities for them to create something without criticizing them. We provide children with the opportunity to create something on their own, not to interrupt or correct them. Do not take your child’s art creations for granted because the process he has undergone has greatly affected him. The time spent on creative work shapes the child directs it in its natural way.
It brings a sense of peace and fulfillment! Art is fun, engaging, unleashes human potential! Everyone can benefit from art, every day!
To provide children with as many sensory experiences as possible – to feel, to see, to listen and to learn and manipulate fine arts and materials in their united way. Conditions, tasks, and materials should be adjusted to their age. Children should be provided with space in which they will be free of fear and worry from the expectations of adults. At the end of each game, create a habit for the children to clean up the space in which they played.
Source: Crayola-DreamMakers-EarlyChildhood