Can I Play With You?

Can I play too?

As a kid, we all liked to dress up in our parents’ things. Mom’s closet is a girl’s favorite place. But the boys are also regular guests in Dad’s garages. Whether trying out Mom’s new shoes or trying out Dad’s new tools, it was a wonderful time. This kind of activity is a daily game where kids play roles. The role of chefs, police officers, family, cowboys and Indians, doctors, and more. It is a very important part of childhood because the child learns, develops imagination, creates friendships, strengthens confidence.
Nowadays, computer games have been replaced by role-playing games because socialization is not represented as it used to be. Kindergarten is the main and most favorite children’s game. At home, you can often hear from the children’s room a voice that says “I’m bored”. The lack of society, imagination, and independence is a reflection of today.
The games that are most represented are:

Traffic rules

Through the game we learn about means of transportation, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, pavements, traffic signs.

Traffic rules
Traffic rules


Firefighters are one of the favorite children’s games. Through spontaneous daily play, children learn about the purpose of the fire station. They play the role of firefighters, save friends from the fire, use hose (kanap) that throws out “water”. Ladies make them from chairs, tables … They develop self-confidence, imagination, acquire friends and learn from each other.


My house

A family game usually has parents, children, pets. The obligations that they share among themselves; saving, sucking, buying, cooking … is a display of the picture they have at home. They learn from each other, encourage and help all members of the family. An excellent game for determining the correctness of attitudes, strengthening self-confidence and developing imagination.

My house
My house

Little chefs

To do something, to embroider, to decorate is something that most children love. A great opportunity to refuse the fear of dirt. Children in the society relax, they get an incentive to learn something new. They develop artistic, lifestyle skills. And the result of everything is the product they made, baked and can eat all together. A sense of satisfaction, pride, and self-confidence is great for the child. We recommend this game to everyone at home with parents, brothers, sisters …

Little chefs
Little chefs



We make our house in kindergarten

We make our house in kindergarten
We make our house in kindergarten



I’m a big girl

I'm a big girl!, photo credit Mini Magazine
I’m a big girl!, photo credit Mini Magazine

I’m a teacher

The girl is playing teacher, Freepik
The girl is playing teacher, Freepik