Developing a sense of gratitude
Through gratitude, we learn to appreciate the world and the people around us and it is not just a reflection of a nice upbringing and culture. It guides us and prepares us to be satisfied and to enjoy life. For this reason, developing a sense of gratitude is an important life lesson that every child should master with the help of their parents.
The rules of good behavior that are implied in everyday communication, in school and outside it, are very important to adopt. They contribute to the child learning to appreciate what he has, including the people around him, especially family members.
Model of behavior
Teach your child that the source of happiness is what we have and not something we get. We parents are the right model of behavior for children. Because we cannot demand from children what we do not possess ourselves. That is why it is important to work on acquiring and becoming aware of this virtue of gratitude, which will give your child healthy thinking, people, a healthy approach to life, and everything he brings.
Through developing a sense of gratitude, small, everyday deeds are the most important. “Express gratitude to the mother for the role she has in your life, with a gentle-beautiful word, thank you children for every hug and smile by giving them back…”.
Developing a sense of gratitude in children is easier than in adults. Adults have often shaped their way of life in a direction where there is no time for those “emotional” things. Children have a natural tendency towards gratitude and often teach their parents’ gratitude more than parents teach them.
A good example
All foundations are built in the early years in children in the family. Child from home carry acquired examples of behavior, manners, cultural habits, and when you meet children, you can recognize those values. Relationships among family members, treatment of each other, the intonation of speech, gratitude, tolerance, and respect are the basis of the qualities that you expect your child to acquire. Work on yourself to be a good example for your child.