Puppetry is an old, traditional art
The time and place of origin of the puppet theater have not been determined, but it can still be assumed that the various forms were created at different times in different places, and the mutual influence is difficult to determine. Already, ancient testimonies inform us of the attire of puppet theater in Greece and Rome. From ancient times stage puppets have come in many forms. We can divide them into two groups: puppets and hand puppets.
Puppet theater is a space of fantasy, and the puppet scene is a place of touch of different arts. In the middle stands the PUPPET – an item, waiting for the magic touch of a child. He or she needs to breathe into her soul and thus becomes a stage being. It can’t do without one another. Without their partnership, there is no puppet theater. And together they can do anything.
By age, we introduce children to puppet theaters of various techniques. We consider the Guignol doll to be the most accessible and closest to young children. “Guignol” is a figure known from the history of French puppetry as in Russia’s Petrushka. In the language of a fairy tale, a child from the third to the fourth year can be told about the life and problems he or she is carrying. The puppet scene strongly influences the development of children’s aesthetic taste.
Puppetry is still active in every culture, used in many different contexts, for cultural, spiritual, and educational teaching. Puppetry is a visual art, a form of communication with people who are not literate or who do not understand spoken language.There are so many different types of dolls, but sometimes the best ones are made by the kids themselves. This allows them to be creative and use their imagination to design the doll independently. You can make dolls from just about anything in your home, including paper bags, sticks, spoons, balls, gloves, socks or gloves.
What to do:
Has the child decided what type of puppet they will make (a doll, ан animal, а princess, etc.). Show the child how they will use the paper bag as a puppet by inserting your hand into the opening of the bag and using the bottom flap as the face of the puppet. Have the child practice using the puppet. Motivate the child to choose how to decorate the puppet using the items that were provided. Once the puppet is done, allow it to dry and then start having fun by having the child use the puppet to tell you a story or sing you a song!
Sock pappet
Socks come in pairs. They keep your feet warm and cosy when it’s cold outside. Sometimes, one sock may get lost and you’re left with an odd sock. What can you do with an odd sock? Make a sock puppet, of course! You will need: An odd sock, Googly eyes, Pink felt, Wool, Scissors and Glue.
Your sock or paper bag puppet is complete! Why not make more so that you can put on a puppet show?
Source: Amanda Powell, Introduction of puppet-play by Andersen Press