Children have to be active every day. Physical activity (sport games) stimulates growth and leads to improved physical and emotional health. Sport games can affect a child’s development of self-esteem and self-worth. Research shows that children would rather play sports than do anything else. Because sport is important to children, being good at sports is a strong social asset. Young boys in particular use sports and games to measure themselves against their friends. Children who are competent at sports are more easily accepted by children of their own age and more likely to be team captains and group leaders. Such children usually have better social skills.
The primary goal of parents and coaches is to help children find the success in sport they need to make them feel valued and wanted. Physical activity (sport games) has positive effects on your child health, including your child’s body, mind, spirit, and emotions. In the long term, it can also keep your child from developing health problems (like cardiovascular diseases), and promote healthy bones, good motor skills, and good social and emotional development. The more children play outside, the more physically active they are likely to be. Source: The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA Study)
This sport game is played with hoops. Put hoops on the carpet so that every kid have own. Teacher takes musical instrument and she gives a rhythm. Children need to follow the rhythm, moving around the hoops. When teacher says “Shark” music stops, every child need to find his islend (free hoops). In the end of every cicrle, one or more hoops get out of game. Assignmant for the group is to find solution that every kid need to be saved from the shark. Rhythm is changeable (slower-faster) and they get more and more exited. It is enough to hold their hands while one kid is in the hoop. This game is very helpful, because it develops a child crafting skills, speed, a sense of belonging somewere, feeling the music…
One child is Lord and other kids are servants. They ask Lord: ” What time is it?” and he tell them how much and which steps should go, e.g. 1 big elephant step, 5 little mouse steps, 2 tiger steps… The first one who comes to the Lord, he becomes the next commander. Kids love this game because the animal steps are very fanny. For them is very interesting because they are pretending to be same animal. Children play this sport game as long as they want or till some of them do not become a Lord. In this game child develop cooperation with other players, phisical skills, imagination and he build self-confedence.
Physical activity has positive effects on your child’s health. Including your child’s body, mind, spirit, and emotions. In the long term, kids sports game it can also keep your child from developing health problems and good social and emotional development. Children develop fast, skill, strength, precision …The more children play outside, the more physically active they are likely to be.
Source: The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA Study)