Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
The family walks through the forest
Childhood Games Inside Games Outside

Treasure hunt

The treasure hunt is a game that can be played in several ways, with different rules. It is all about looking for something (some object) and finding it (the treasure). The main goal is encourage children to explore and use a logical thinking. You need:  paper and pen  the object (the tresure) for hide * …

Children’s Favorite Games, Bubbles
Childhood Games Inside Games Outside

Children’s Favorite Games

Planning games and activities should be organized according to the age and needs of the children. Younger children have a shorter range of attention and are just learning to coordinate their body, while older children may get bored with not having enough “challenges” in play or activities. Games are a valuable, fun, and interesting way …

Children are playing with hulahoop
Childhood Games Inside Games Outside Sport

Warm Up Activities

Why do we warm up?   Before each physical activity, it is necessary to warm up to avoid injuries and maximize the effect of exercise. Warm-up activities are very important for children and adults. Children should be introduced to the importance of warm-up games because that is how they build responsibility towards their bodies. Through …