Each child develops uniquely, and the use of norms helps to understand these patterns of development while recognizing the great difference between individuals. Despite many developmental theories, the accepted developmental perspective includes the following points:
- Emotional, physical, mental, and social functioning young children are different from the functioning of older children and adults and include certain stages, stages, and milestones in development;
- There are numerous progressive transformations in the physical, mental, cognitive and socio-emotional abilities of children from the earliest age to school age. These changes are manifested through the acquisition of new skills and abilities, through how the child establishes relationships, communicates, learns or plays;
- Childhood is a life-time when children are the most depend on safe and responsive relationships with other people (adults, siblings, peers). These relationships are necessary not only to ensure their survival but also emotional security, social integration and the development of cognitive and cultural competences;
- The development of young children is particularly sensitive to the negative effects of the wound malnutrition, neglect, irresponsible parenting, inappropriate treatment and broken relationships;
- In cases where the basic needs are not met, the consequences are often felt throughout childhood as well as into adulthood;
- Early development also depends on the individual capacities and needs of the young child, gender, ethnic and cultural background, as well as the economic, social and cultural circumstances in which he or she lives.
Infants and Toddlers
Physical Newborn: rough, random, uncoordinated, reflexive movement 3 mo: head at 90 degree angle, uses arms to prop; visually track through midline 5 mo: purposeful grasp; roll over; head lag disappears; reaches for 7 mo: sits in “tripod”; push head and torso up off the floor; support 9 mo: gets to and from sitting; crawls, pulls to standing; stooping and 12 mo: walking 15 mo: more complex motor skills 2 yrs: learns to climb up stairs first, then down | Cognitive Sensori-motor: physically explores environment to learn about it; 4-5 mo: coos, curious and interested in environment 6 mo: babbles and imitates sounds 9 mo: discriminates between parents and others; trial and error 12 mo: beginning of symbolic thinking; points to pictures in 15 mo: learns through imitating complex behaviors; knows 2 yrs: 2 word phrases; uses more complex toys and understands | Social Attachment: baby settles when parent comforts; toddler seeks comfort from parent, safe-base 5 mo: responsive to social stimuli; facial expressions of emotion 9 mo: socially interactive; plays games (i.e., pattycake) with caretakers 11 mo: stranger anxiety; separation 2 yr: imitation, parallel and symbolic, play |
Emotional Birth-1 yr: learns fundamental trust in self, caretakers, environment 1-3 yr: mastery of body and rudimentary mastery of 12-18 mo: “terrible twos” may begin; willful, stubborn, tantrums 18-36 mo: feel pride when they are “good” and 18-36 mo: Can recognize distress in others – beginning of empathy 18-36 mo: are emotionally attached to toys or objects for security | Possible effects of maltreatment Chronic malnutrition: growth retardation, brain damage, possibly mental retardation Head injury and shaking: skull fracture, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, paralysis, coma, death, blindness, deafness Internal organ injuries Chronic illness from medical neglect Delays in gross and fine motor skills, poor muscle tone Language and speech delays; may not use language to communicate Insecure or disorganized attachment: overly clingy, lack of discrimination of significant people, can’t use parent as Passive, withdrawn, apathetic, unresponsive to others “Frozen watchfulness”, fearful, anxious, depressed Feel they are “bad” Immature play – cannot be involved in reciprocal, interactive play |
Physical Physically active Rule of Three: 3 yrs, 3 ft, 33 lbs. Weight gain: 4-5 lbs per year Growth: 3-4 inches per year Physically active, can’t sit still for long Clumsy throwing balls Refines complex skills: hopping, Improving fine motor skills and | Cognitive Ego-centric, illogical, magical thinking Explosion of vocabulary; learning syntax, grammar; understood by 75% of people by age 3 Poor understanding of time, value, sequence of events Vivid imaginations; some difficulty separating fantasy from reality Accurate memory, but more suggestible than older children Primitive drawing, can’t represent themselves in drawing till age 4 Don’t realize others have different perspective Leave out important facts May misinterpret visual cues of Receptive language better than expressive till age 4 | Social Play: Cooperative, imaginative, may Develops gross and fine motor Development of conscience: Curious about his and other’s bodies, may masturbate No sense of privacy Primitive, stereotypic understanding of gender roles |
Emotional Self-esteem based on what others tell him or her Increasing ability to control emotions; less emotional outbursts Increased frustration tolerance Better delay gratification Rudimentary sense of self Understands concepts of right and wrong Self-esteem reflects opinions of significant others Curious Self-directed in many activities | Possible effects of maltreatment Poor muscle tone, motor coordination Poor pronunciation, incomplete sentences Cognitive delays; inability to concentrate Cannot play cooperatively; lack curiosity, absent imaginative and fantasy play Social immaturity: unable to share or negotiate with peers; overly bossy, aggressive, competitive Attachment problems: overly clingy, superficial attachments, show little distress or over-react when separated from caregiver Underweight from malnourishment; small stature Excessively fearful, anxious, night terrors Reminders of traumatic experience may trigger severe anxiety, aggression, preoccupation Lack impulse control, little ability to delay gratification Exaggerated response (tantrums, aggression) to even mild stressors Poor self esteem, confidence; absence of initiative Blame self for abuse, placement Physical injuries; sickly, untreated illnesses Eneuresis, encopresis, self stimulating behavior – rocking, head-banging |
School Aged
Physical Slow, steady growth: Use physical activities Motor & perceptual 10-12 yr: puberty | Cognitive Use language as a communication tool Perspective taking: Concrete operations: Can remember events from months, or years earlier More effective coping skills Understands how his behavior affects others | Social Friendships are situation specific Understands concepts of right and wrong Rules relied upon to guide behavior and play, and provide child with structure and security 5-6 yr: believe rules can 7-8 yrs: strict adherence 9-10 yrs: rules can be Begin understanding social roles; regards them as inflexible; can Takes on more responsibilities at Less fantasy play, more team sports, board games Morality: avoid punishment; self |
Emotional Self esteem based on ability to perform and produce Alternative strategies for dealing with frustration and expressing emotions Sensitive to other’s opinions about themselves 6-9 yr: have questions about pregnancy, intercourse, 10-12 yr: games with peeing, sexual activity (e.g., strip | Possible effects of maltreatment Poor social/academic adjustment in school: preoccupied, easily frustrated, emotional outbursts, difficulty concentrating, can be overly reliant on teachers; academic challenges are threatening, cause anxiety Little impulse control, immediate gratification, inadequate coping skills, anxiety, easily frustrated, may feel out of control Extremes of emotions, emotional numbing; older children may “self-medicate” to avoid negative emotions Act out frustration, anger, anxiety with hitting, fighting, lying, stealing, breaking objects, verbal outbursts, swearing Extreme reaction to perceived danger (i.e., “fight, flight, freeze” response) May be mistrustful of adults, or overly solicitous, manipulative May speak in unrealistically glowing terms about his parents Difficulties in peer relationships; feel inadequate around peers; over-controlling Unable to initiate, participate in, or complete activities, give up quickly Attachment problems: may not be able to trust, tests commitment of foster and adoptive parent with negative behaviors Role reversal to please parents, and take care of parent and younger siblings Emotional disturbances: depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, attachment problems, conduct disorders |
“The Field Guide to Child Welfare Volume III: Child Development and Child Welfare”
By Judith S. Rycus, Ph.D., and Ronald C. Hughes, Ph.D Child Welfare League of America Press 1998