The most beautiful moments of the holiday are those when children open New Year’s and Christmas presents. When is it best time to tell them that it was not Santa Claus who left them under the Christmas tree, but their parents and relatives? Psychologists say that regardless of whether the parents will explain to the child that the New Year’s blanket exists or not, they will find out the ages of five and ten. They advise that the truth is the best way to trust.
Holidays are the most magical time of the year, and Santa Claus is a “character” who is the first association for children on New Year’s holidays. Probably every one of us for the first few years of our lives believed that there was a grandfather who would bring us a gift if we were good kids all year. There is nothing wrong with that.

How to tell the truth about Santa Claus in an acceptable way?
An appropriate way to tell a child that he does not exist as a real person living at the North Pole is that he exists as a symbol of love, generosity, and giving, especially to children and the poor. You can also say that Santa Claus conveys joy, happiness, and the Christmas spirit to children around the world through mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and other adults.
Parents often think about how the child will experience this knowledge, fearing that their illusions will be destroyed, so they know how to repeat the stories about Santa Claus for years. It can be confusing for children when they meet so many Santa Clauses on the streets, shopping malls during the New Year’s holidays, and they believe that he is the only one.
Through conversation, an honest and open relationship is built, in which the child can openly say what he believes in, what he does not believe in. Of course, if the child is not immediately ready to accept the truth, it should be respected and maybe wait for another suitable opportunity to start that story.

The child’s knowledge of the truth about Santa Claus
Most children figure it out themselves between the ages of five and ten, depending on whether someone will tell them from older siblings, or maybe hear from friends. When a child begins to distinguish fairy tales from real life, it would be desirable to explain to him that the existence of Santa Claus is a myth that is used to make everyone happy during the holidays.
Of course, there are also parents to whom the fact of perhaps unnecessary lying to the child about the existence of Santa Claus is unacceptable. Some psychologists believe that this is not something that will make the child unhappy in the future, and note that the child can be explained that Christmas presents are small surprises that we put under the pine tree to cheer up our loved ones.

Children’s reaction
Every parent spontaneously delays telling the truth to their child about Santa Claus. We all afraid that the child will lose trust in us. The first reaction witch show that child is conviced that Santa Claus doesn’t exist is, why did you lie to me, and will you lie me again? It takes time for a child to process the truth in his head. After that, the child will think – are you cheating on me. This stems from blackmailing a child with gifts that he will receive or will not receive if he behaves nicely or ugly.
After anger and rage, there is a disappointment, which is perhaps the most difficult emotion. Then the child should be allowed to get over the situation and give him all possible support. What is certain is that children should be given information gradually, as well as when you assure them that this imaginary character exists. Just answer their questions.

The right time
Psychologist and parenting expert Dr. Justin Colson says: “From my experience, children become curious between the ages of five and seven. It is a constant topic of conversation and we often say that nothing should be a secret: knowledge is power. Therefore, when a child comes from school and with sad eyes, he looked at us, asking, “Is it true that Santa Claus doesn’t exist? My friend says he doesn’t exist”, what can we say? The right time to tell a child the truth about Santa Claus is as soon as he asks you. When he asks that question, he is old enough to know the truth. ”

Source: Dr. Justin Colson